IMG 0485

 I am Filipino currently assigned in Japan which is my first overseas experience.

Graduated from a state university in Philippines with a degree in Information Technology.

My first job is with electronic fund transfer point of sale terminals (EFTPOS are the devices you see on shops where they swipe credit cards). Working on the field I was able to visit different places within the country.
Because of privacy concerns I will not discuss anything related to my current job and company.

Been in Japan for a long time now. I can speak and read Japanese but poor with writing Kanji characters, Only if I am using an electronic I can write in Japanese.

I think of myself as a thrifty person. I only spend money on gadgets which I think is a necessity like smartphone. Gadgets and electronic devices depreciates in value very fast.

Hobbies: Internet surfing, blogging, biking, watch Japan TV shows (increase my vocabulary and enhance listening skills), play GranTurismo (of course the real thing is different) for my driving study

 Google Authorship

Jb Barrios


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Gateway MP6925J - laptop for about 5 years

Apple Iphone 4S - mostly used during the commuting hours

Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 -  7-inch tablet is still suitable for me considering the limited space while on the train. Mostly used to read books.

Sony Playstation 3 - for my driving practice (Gran Turismo 5, City Car Driving)

Nintendo DS Lite - mostly used not for gaming but for study

American TV Shows I like

24, Prison Break Season 1 and 2, The Practice, House, Air Crash Investigation/Mayday, Man vs Wild, History Channel's Dogfights, That 70's Show

Social Networking Sites

Google Plus


Why a website of my own?

Events in my life which affected my decision to build a website of my own.

Flashback to my senior year in high school, it was graduation time and we
have this project in one subject where we have to make
a scrap book of what we have learned in our on the job training.
After the checking, traditionally in our high school seniors would pass the
scrapbook to their classmates and batchmates where they would
write in there some messages. On the messages we would express gratitudes,
jokes, etc.
One message from a classmate caught my attention. It says on the message in
English something like "if you need to contact me you
can reach me on my website []" where "pogi" in
Filipino means handsome or good-looking guy.
I liked that idea and copied it so I would write "contact me on my website" where "gwapings" is a slang for "guapo" which
means handsome or good-looking guy. If I am not mistaken we borrowed
"guapo" from the Spanish language.

Fast forward four years after graduating college. I was applying for an IT
job. During the interview I was asked what is my hobby and
my answere was "I play video games on my free time". The interviewer
replied by asking me "do you have your own website"?
At that point I was caught a little off guard. It made me realize, "instead
of playing video games why not build my own website?".
I registered for a free website service but the website was eventually
abandoned mainly because free website service is
a little bit uneasy to use especially during that time.

Fast forward to the current year 2012, Facebook and twitter are among the
popular websites for
social communication. Because I have some issues with using the SNS
websites and
creating websites are easier than before became online.

Privacy Policy

- Privacy is important to me and as a respect for other people's privacy I will not post picture of private persons except for exceptional cases or if only requested by the person himself. Sometimes I will post pictures with other persons only if the person  included on the picture is not easily recognizable.{jcomments off}

- To protect the privacy of my employer, colleagues, company work related will not be posted as much as possible.



 Jb Barrios



This is a personal homepage. The thoughts written here does not represent the thoughts of my employer and organization I work for. All suggestions here are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.


Jb Barrios
