Global Vision is a Japanese televison show but the theme of the show is not Japan but the lives of ordinary people on the other parts of the world. What I like about this show is I get to know the life of people in other countries and at the same time practive my Japanese listening skills and reading skills via the subtitles.

You do not have to be in Japan to watch this TV show. Past episodes can be seen online.

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When I was new in Japan, there was this free English magazine (Metropolis) that I will make sure to get every week. Back then the idea of free paper is still new in my home country. I kept the first copy I had. Here is the front page.

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l heard Coca Cola is already doing this on other countries. I am not sure if it just started in Japan.

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It has been more than three years since I took the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test). A lot has changed.

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