How to do you convince young people not to text while driving? Oblige them to text while driving.

Responsible Young Drivers (RYD) promotes road safety and draws the attention to mainly young drivers asking them to demonstrate responsible driving. Our network of 600 young volunteers in organize more than 250 activities each year in Belgium:

• Drink-drugs driving prevention: breathalyzers, drug testing in nightclubs, Alcokart, Alcovision goggles

• Promotion of seatbelt use: crashtest, somersault car

• European Day of Courtesy on the Road

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A 7.6 magnitude quake occured off the coast of Samar, Philippines sending tsunami warning in Japan and other countries.


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Neil Armstrong(82) American astronaut who was the first man to set foot on the moon died August 25. ニール・アームストロングさん(82)人類初の月面着陸アメリカ宇宙飛行士が25日、死去した。

He uttered the now-famous phrase:
"That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind."

The year was 1969 and while the world was celebrating one of the most signicant achievement of mankind, Filipinos had another reason for celebration.

Miss Philippines, Gloria Diaz, among the final five contestants of the Miss Universe pageant was asked, "In the next day or so, a man will land on the moon. If the man from the moon landed in your hometown, what would you do to entertain him?" She answered, "Oh! Uh, just the same things I do. I think if he has been on the moon for so long, I think when he comes over he wants to change, I guess." Because she gave the best answer she was crowned as Miss Universe 1969, the first for a Filipina.

Neil Armstrong - Wikipedia

Apollo 11 - Wikipedia

Gloria Diaz - Wikipedia


Jb Barrios
